Smallpox had caused millions of deaths and much suffering for centuries, but once the agency set out to eradicate it, WHO personnel traveled the world to conduct a massive vaccination program. 这个致命的传染病,曾夺走了数百万人的生命,并带来许多苦难。但是WHO展开根除天花的计划,服务范围无远弗届;只要有人居住的地方,都有专人将牛痘疫苗送达该处。
With the global eradication of smallpox, vaccination stopped and quarantine measures were no longer needed. 全球根除天花后,停止了疫苗接种工作也不再需要采取隔离措施。
Prevention and Cure of Smallpox in Medical Records of the Qing Court: Vaccination and Cure of Smallpox; 从清宫医案看天花的防治&种痘与治痘不要抓搔那块疮疤。
1800-First smallpox vaccination in North America, at Trinity, Newfoundland. 1800年的今天,首例天花疫苗在北美注射。
However, the smallpox vaccination should not be administered to people with comprised immune systems. 但是,不应当对免疫系统受损的人员实施天花疫苗接种。
Neurologic adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States, 2002-2004 2002&2004年间与接种天花疫苗相关的神经系统不良事件
Challenges Confronted in Smallpox Vaccination and DNA Smallpox Vaccine 天花预防接种面临的挑战与DNA痘苗